Welcome to the Oxford International Folk Dance Group. We are a small, informal group who love the folk dances of Europe (from Brittany to the Balkans) and beyond to Israel, Turkey and the former USSR. We also throw in a few dances from the Americas, the Far East and even occasionally from the South Pacific. Many of them are danced holding hands in a circle or line, everyone doing the same steps, with no partner required. Those dances that do require a partner (e.g. those from Western Europe) often involve changing partners during the dance, so no-one needs to be left out. You can see what sort of dances we do by looking at our example dances page.

La Bastringue

More photograhs

You are welcome to join us, whether you are a complete beginner or very experienced. We encourage newcomers to let us know in advance so that we can ensure that the programme is suitable for you - we aim to teach dances more thoroughly during the first part of the evening gradually reducing it to enable the regulars to have something a little more challenging. We suggest the you bring soft shoes. Read more about the group

Sally & Colin occasionally teach elsewhere. They have taught at May HeyDays at Evesham and at Cossingham.

We have moved!

From January 2025 we will be meeting at: St. Margaret's Institute, Polstead Rd, OX2 6TN approximately every other Tuesday 8-10pm. Enter through the front door.
Please check which weeks we meet before coming.
Maps: Google StreetView OpenStreetMap What3Words. If you have to travel, there is useful information on the Institute's website
We also run one Zoom session each month. Please contact us if you are interested in this.

Cost is £5 per session (cash please) or £57 for twelve.


14 January 2025 Dancing resumes in St. Margaret's Institute
22 January: Zoom
28 January: St. Margaret's Institute
4 February: St. Margaret's Institute
11 February: Zoom
18 February: St. Margaret's Institute
4 March: St. Margaret's Institute
18 March: St. Margaret's Institute
1 April: St. Margaret's Institute
15 April: St. Margaret's Institute
2-5 May: May Heydays at Evesham
13 May: St. Margaret's Institute
27 May: St. Margaret's Institute

If you need more information that you cannot find on these pages, feel free to contact us:

Email: contact@oxintdance.org.uk
Phone: 01865 862059 (Colin & Sally)